Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

ImageCracked heels are a very common problem and can range in severity from a cosmetic issue to a painful problem. Taking proper precautions right away can prevent cracks from getting deeper and causing bleeding and pain. Some of the causes of cracked heels are dry air, lack of moisture, improper foot care, an unhealthy diet and wearing the wrong types of shoes.

There are several home remedies for cracked heels that you can try to resolve the problem. Here are the top 10 remedies for cracked heels.

1. Vegetable Oil
A variety of vegetable oils can be used to treat and prevent cracked heels. Olive oil, sesame oil, coconut oil or any other hydrogenated vegetable oil will work. For best results, use this remedy before going to bed to allow ample time for the oil to fully penetrate your skin.

First scrub your feet with a pumice stone and wash them thoroughly. Apply the vegetable oil liberally on your heels and soles.
Put on a pair of clean socks and leave them on overnight while you sleep. In the morning, your heels will be noticeably softer.
Repeat this for a few days until the cracks in your heels are gone completely.

2. Rice Flour
Exfoliating the skin on your feet and heels will help remove dead skin from the dryness and cracking. Rice flour can be used as an homemade exfoliating scrub.

To make the scrub, mix a handful of ground rice with a few tablespoons of honey and apple cider vinegar. Stir it until it becomes a thick paste. If the cracking on your heels is extremely bad, add a tablespoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil.
Soak your feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then gently scrub them with the rice flour paste.

Source: top 10 home remedies

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10 Houseplants that Detox Your Home

ImageAccording to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality is one of the top five risks to public health. This is a result of home products made with toxic chemicals, such as vinyl flooring and air fresheners. If you don’t want to stop using these products and leaving the windows open all the time isn’t an option, there are plants that can help detoxify your indoor air. Here are some of the more effective. –

Aloe vera
You may know this plant as a sunburn soother, but it’s also a wonderful air purifier. Aloe actually absorbs chemicals from cleaning products and even gives you a warning sign by developing brown spots if the chemicals reach a high level.

Aloe cropped 10 Houseplants that Detox Your Home

Purple waffle plant
Researchers at the University of Georgia tested 28 common indoor decorative plants for their ability to remove the top five indoor pollutants. And the purple waffle plant was rated one of the best detoxifiers. This showy, low-maintenance spreading plant is an excellent choice as ground cover in a terrarium or to drape over a cupboard. 

waffle plant cropped 10 Houseplants that Detox Your Home

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Source: Health Central


World’s tallest woman recovering after operation to remove tumour


Siddiqa Parveen, who is estimated to be 7ft 8in tall, had a spine on the ‘verge of breaking’ and was feared to be losing her sight.

The 28-year-old suffered from gigantism brought on by a tumour on the pituitary gland, producing excess growth hormone.

She had already suffered fractures to her spine and was unable to stand up straight .

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Source: healcon


Woman Gets Pregnant Thanks to Yolk from a Hen’s Egg

ImageA British couple who spent £40,000 and went through 12 IVF cycles trying to get pregnant have found success with an unusual treatment involving egg yolks.  

Mark and Suzanne Harper agreed to the procedure after doctors revealed Suzanne had high levels of natural “killer cells” in her body that were attacking her embryos and preventing her from getting pregnant. The rare technique involved treatment with intralipid infusion – a special drip mixture that includes yolk from a hen’s egg and soy oil. The fatty acids of this combination were thought to control the aggressive cells – and it worked.

Source: celeb baby

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Famous Amnesia Patient’s Brain Cut into 2,401 Slices


At age 27, H.M., whose real name was Henry Molaison, underwent an experimental surgical treatment for his debilitating epilepsy. His surgeon removed the medial temporal lobe, including a structure called the hippocampus.

Thereafter, H.M. was unable to form new memories. His case brought about the idea that the hippocampus may have a crucial role in retaining learned facts, replacing the notion that memories are scattered throughout the brain. H.M. became the focus of more than 50 years of memory research, working closely with the researchers who had to introduce themselves every time they met.

“Much of what we know about human memory, it has one way or another to do with H.M.,” said study researcher Jacopo Annese, director of The Brain Observatory in San Diego.

After H.M.’s death in 2008, Annese and his colleagues cut the patient’s frozen brain into 2,401 slices, each 0.7-millimeters thick. They took a picture of every slice, and created a high-resolution, 3D model of his brain.

Source: live science

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Home remedies for cracked heels

ImageHome Remedies for how to cure cracked heels:

Here is our list of 10 simple home remedies that will help soothe and makeover your cracked heels, and let you step out in style. Read, on how to heal cracked heels for more!

1. Lemon, salt, glycerin, rose water foot mask:

One of the first steps towards having a pair of beautiful feet is to heal them, and that is why this foot mask is absolutely perfect home remedy for cracked heels.  Take a basin of warm water in which you’ll be dipping your feet and add raw salt, lemon juice, glycerin and rose water. Soak in your feet for about 15-20 minutes in this water.

Using a pumice stone or foot scrubber, scrub your heels and sides of the feet.
Take 1 tsp undiluted glycerine, 1 tsp rose water and 1 tsp lemon juice and after mixing, apply over your cracked heels. Since this will be a sticky mixture, you can wear a pair of socks and leave on overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water in the morning. Repeat for a few days till heels are soft and healed.

2. Vegetable oil:
Dry skin on the heels is one of the foremost reasons behind the cracking. This home remedy for dry skin helps combat this problem.

After washing your feet and cleaning and drying them up completely, apply a layer of vegetable oil on the cracked parts of your feet. Wear a pair of thick socks and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off and repeat for a few days to get smooth and healed feet.

3. Banana along with banana and avocado foot mask:

Take the pulp of a ripe banana and apply over cracked parts of the heel and feet.
Keep on for about 10 minutes and wash off. You can also create a foot mask at home using a ripe banana and avocado.

Take a ripe banana and half an avocado, or the flesh of half a coconut (green coconut). Blend everything in a blender together. Apply this thick creamy paste over your heels and feet.
As avocados and coconut are rich in several essential oils and vitamins and fats, this paste will help treat cracked heels and keep them soft and moisturized.

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Home remedies for cracked heels

ImageHome Remedies for how to cure cracked heels:

Here is our list of 10 simple home remedies that will help soothe and makeover your cracked heels, and let you step out in style. Read, on how to heal cracked heels for more!

1. Lemon, salt, glycerin, rose water foot mask:

One of the first steps towards having a pair of beautiful feet is to heal them, and that is why this foot mask is absolutely perfect home remedy for cracked heels.  Take a basin of warm water in which you’ll be dipping your feet and add raw salt, lemon juice, glycerin and rose water. Soak in your feet for about 15-20 minutes in this water.

Using a pumice stone or foot scrubber, scrub your heels and sides of the feet.
Take 1 tsp undiluted glycerine, 1 tsp rose water and 1 tsp lemon juice and after mixing, apply over your cracked heels. Since this will be a sticky mixture, you can wear a pair of socks and leave on overnight. Wash off with lukewarm water in the morning. Repeat for a few days till heels are soft and healed.

2. Vegetable oil:
Dry skin on the heels is one of the foremost reasons behind the cracking. This home remedy for dry skin helps combat this problem.

After washing your feet and cleaning and drying them up completely, apply a layer of vegetable oil on the cracked parts of your feet. Wear a pair of thick socks and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off and repeat for a few days to get smooth and healed feet.

3. Banana along with banana and avocado foot mask:

Take the pulp of a ripe banana and apply over cracked parts of the heel and feet.
Keep on for about 10 minutes and wash off. You can also create a foot mask at home using a ripe banana and avocado.

Take a ripe banana and half an avocado, or the flesh of half a coconut (green coconut). Blend everything in a blender together. Apply this thick creamy paste over your heels and feet.
As avocados and coconut are rich in several essential oils and vitamins and fats, this paste will help treat cracked heels and keep them soft and moisturized.

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Sunlight may lower your blood pressure

ImageHere’s why sunbathing feels so good: It may lower your blood pressure, British researchers reported Friday.

Just 20 minutes of ultraviolet A (UVA) sunlight lowered blood pressure by a small but significant amount in 24 volunteers, they report in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Further checks suggest the sun does this by increasing levels of nitric oxide, a chemical linked to blood flow. This health tip is useful for the blood pressure patients

The effects are so strong they may help explain why people who live in the darker north, like the Scots, have higher rates of death from heart disease, Richard Weller of the University of Edinburgh and Martin Feelisch of the University of Southampton say.

“We are concerned that well-meaning advice to reduce the comparatively low numbers of deaths from skin cancer may inadvertently increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and goes against epidemiological data showing that sunlight exposure reduces all cause and cardiovascular mortality,” they concluded.

Their volunteers got the equivalent of 30 minutes of natural sunlight at noon on a sunny day in Southern Europe. They protected their volunteers from the warming effects, just in case that was the cause. It lowered blood pressure by about five points, and the effects lasted half an hour.

In other words, a little sunshine really may warm your heart.

Source: NBC News

Google, google lens, smart contact lens, smart contact lens for diabetics

ImageKeeping blood sugar levels in check is an important part of life for diabetics, but this can be a daily struggle, involving pricking their fingers and taking blood samples. Now, Google may have a solution – in the form of a “smart contact lens” that measures glucose levels in tears.

Aside from mortality, Otis and Parviz note that uncontrolled blood sugar increases risks for damaging the eyes, kidneys and heart.

And because glucose levels can change suddenly with normal activities, such as exercising, eating or sweating, the team says that “round the clock” monitoring is imperative.

The ‘smart contact lens’ uses tiny chips and sensors, and a miniature antenna to measure glucose levels in tears.

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